Covid-19 ressources

Everyone should be concerned, if you are available and/or have a 3D printer please consider helping with one of the topics below!

Printable designs

  1. nanonhack maski
  2. materialize door handle
  3. opensource mask, the mask validated by the EC
  4. nohkumado's door handle
  5. Prusa Face Shield

Information, organisation, research

  1. Makers vs Covid (coming from EU help request)
  2. Helpful Engineering
  3. Helpful Engineering:Open Source Mass Airflow Meter

Reference material

  1. medevel, open source medical software
  2. materials for masks
  3. desinfectation materials chart
  4. standards openened by the european comission

Concerning protection gear

  1. the research concerning the materials for masks
  2. n th try to bring makers together with needers in France
  3. FB-group open source medical supplies
  4. open hardware projects


  1. hopitaux de Paris
  2. makers du bas-rhin
  3. carte des makers dans le bas rhin
  4. Groupe FB local bashrhin(mail)


  1. Réseau Français des FabLabs
  2. Just One Giant Lab


  1. les maskes prusa produits grace au reseau 3dnatives
  2. : la mobilisation des makers